The president, Marty Rosenberg, open the meeting with the formal opening ceremony, at 7:20 p.m.

The minutes of the last General Meeting and Executive Board Meeting of the November of November 8 were read and accepted.

The Treasurer's Report was read by Roger Crouse:

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Marty read a letter of congratulations to the Chapter from President John W. Lederle for achieving first place in the nation.

The Service Report was given by Al Bunce and his committee.  The Membership Report was presented by John Kucharski.  John mentioned the Little Brother reevaluation critiques, the touch football game for Big Brother and Little Brothers, and the smoker at WPI on November 10 at 7:30 p.m.

The Vice President, Dave Mitchell, gave his Administration Report in which he expressed concern for the non-support given to the Fellowship committee.  We shall not have much of a social aspect to program of this chapter without Fellowship committee.

There being no old business, we went right into new business.

Move: to suspend the rules in order to bring up a special motion (Ross Jones) PASSED!

MSP: to list Paul Howill as an adviser to the Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega (Ross Jones)

MSP: to adopt Al Bunce's suggestion that a special study committee on chapter organization may be needed.  (Dave Mitchell)

MSP: to amend this motion by adding that a committee to take into consideration the suggestions of brother Howie Nelles.  (Carlos Inacio)

MSP: to approve that Dave Mitchell and Marty Rosenberg handled negotiations with the Forensic Society for future debating tournaments.  (Marty Rosenberg)

MSP: to amend the above motion by adding the name of Dave Arlen to the list.  (Roger Crouse)

MSP: that the chapter continue for Denver Convention, its tradition of making financial support available to the several delegates who attend the convention.  (Dave Mitchell)

MSP: that the means of transportation for the National Convention at Denver, Colorado 1964, be the chartered aircraft offered by the New Jersey Chapter, with the understanding that they shall not preclude subsidy to delegate selecting an alternative means of transportation (Dave Mitchell)

MS: that the chapter make a subsidy of approximately $520 available, at approximately $130 per delegate. for up to and including four delegates to the National Convention Denver.  (Marty Rosenberg) no action as such.

MSP: to amend by substitution: that the brotherhood make available a maximum of $400 for travel expenses for the brothers who wish to attend the National Convention.  (Ross Jones) (9 - 8 - ?)

MSD: to amend the above notion motion by changing the figure involved to $500.  (Dave Mitchell)

MSP: that the chapter go into a Fellowship committee of the Whole.  (Ross Jones)

MSP: that the Fellowship Committee rise and report.  (Ross Jones)

MSP: to accept and enter into the minutes, the proposals of the Fellowship Committee: (Ross Jones)

  1. to have the Harvest Party sometime before Thanksgiving.
  2. To send an invitation to Smith College to this party.
  3. To set up some sort of smorgasbord table.
  4. To hold it at Bowditch Lodge.
  5. To hold it on November 21, 1964.

MSP: that the chapter investigate possible performance for next year's Homecoming Concert.  (Carlos Inacio)

MSP: to table the above motion to the Finance Committee.  (Ross Jones)

MSP: that brother John Kucharski being repaid his $11 used to send him to S.W.A. P. (Roger Crouse)

The brothers engaged in the formal closing ceremony and the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Denny Myshrall
Recording Secretary

Next available meeting minutes

Service Committee Report November 9, 1964

It has come to the attention of the Service Vice President the comments went into the minutes may be an indication of dissatisfaction regarding the writing of these reports.  Such is definitely not the case.  The purposes of such comments is to make the task of preparing and reading these reports as light as possible.  In light of the state and, therefore, take all subsequent comments as intended -- meaningless.

  1. Under Ted Gordon as chairman. KO conducted "mock election", Tuesday, November 3 (election day) in the Student Union lobby, utilizing the display voting machine.  The turnout was favorable, and the results remarkably close to the actual results of the statewide and national contest.
  2. The first Debate Tournament was held Saturday, November 7, and it proved the very successful.  To brother Dave Arlen goes much praise for his initiating and establishing the basis for this project.  The success of this tournament certainly reflects most commendably effort on his part.  To Dave Arlen then, congratulations!
  3. There will be a rally Friday, November 13, preceding the UNH game.  Steve Pretanik in the capacity of Rally Chairman will be heading this project.
  4. Ushers will be needed for the Operetta Guild's performance "Pajama Game", Friday and Saturday, November 13, 14th; 20 and 21.  The performances are scheduled for 8:15 p.m. those dates in Bowker Auditorium.
  5. The Blood Drive is scheduled for Tuesday through Thursday, November 17 - 19.  Steve Pretanik is chairman of KOs activities in this project.
  6. Brothers are needed to conduct the distribution of Collegians Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the student union to commuters.  The hours are from one to 4 p.m. on each of these days.

Can't think of a closing comment, sarcastic, ridiculous or otherwise, so it will be omitted -- sorry!

Al Bunce
service chairman
1st VP